Are you managing to balance your dreams with your responsibilities?

A couple of days ago, Clay Lowe, Soulcruzer interviewed me for a Sound Portrait and asked about my passion and my goals in life.  If you want to know who I am, this will show you how I have managed to learn to balance my dreams with my responsibilities.

Here it is – check it out:
Sound Portrait

How about you?  Are you managing to balance your dreams and your responsibilities?  And if not, do you know what you can do about it?

I am in the process of preparing an email campaign you will be invited to subscribe to and in that, I will be sharing my tips how to create a future where your dreams ARE your reality.  I hope you will join me and we can share this journey together.

I will be in touch soon to let you know how you can use your time now to make 2015 the best year yet.

In the meantime, get in touch if you want to get the ball rolling quicker!

Visit Our Website

After Doubling Research Investment, USANA Announces New R&D Hires

Direct Selling News Blog

Photo: USANA’s research and development team (PRNewsFoto/USANA)

In the midst of ramping up its scientific research, USANA Health Sciences Inc. has announced three new additions to its research and development team.

The past year has seen the nutritional company double its investment in research, in pursuit of what it calls “precision health goals.” The latest round of hires includes Kevin Spelman, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Research and Development. Spelman, a 29-year veteran of the natural products industry, also serves as an Advisor for the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

“My mission, as Executive Vice President of the R&D department, is to continue in Dr. Myron Wentz’s footsteps and apply cutting-edge science to guide the production of the most advanced and efficacious products on the market,” said Spelman, whose research has focused on the molecular biology of brain and ovarian cancer, the immune system and chemical analysis…

View original post 148 more words

Scientific Method: Advanced Applied Nutritional Science

 First published on USANAToday By David Baker

Science carries a certain amount of mystique. The lab coat seems the cloak of a secret society operating just out of reach of the layman’s understanding—not quite magic, but certainly not mundane.

Pull back the curtain and you’ll find science is much less clandestine than you might imagine. In fact, USANA’s in-house team of scientists is just working hard trying to produce the best science-based products available.

That’s not to say there aren’t things USANA’s research and development (R&D) team wants to keep under wraps. Some of the information—tucked away in the unremarkable piles of paper around Brian Dixon’s office—might be the next big thing in nutritional science. As USANA’s director of product innovation, it’s Dixon’s job to turn those piles of scientific literature and USANA’s 27 studies into the next game-changing product or upgrade.

Transforming information into effective products isn’t easy, so you’ll have to forgive Dixon and his colleagues for keeping some secrets. Especially when those secrets turn into patented technologies and products.

From Page to Test Tube

What starts in stapled stacks on the desks of USANA’s third floor transforms into something that rattles inside bottles that end up on so many kitchen counters through a process more work than wonder and more moxie than magic.

It starts in the pages of the scientific literature that make up a roadmap of sorts. They don’t predict the future, but the literature does indicate the direction science is heading, knowledge that’s essential to staying on the cutting edge.

With scientists from so many different backgrounds constantly studying diverse areas of the literature, USANA covers a lot of ground. The R&D staff contains a doctor of naturopathy, an expert in sports science, molecular and cellular biologists, nutritional biochemists, pharmacists, nurses, biologists, and chemists. Since all of the members of the R&D team focus on different areas and approach problems from different points of view, they create a huge, robust way of looking at things, which is important.

When the team finds something of interest in the journals, they are able to run with it. Depending on the type of finding, they will either design an in-house study, or consult the experts at research partners like the Linus Pauling Institute (LPI) or The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (TOSH). Research partners are currently working on 22 of USANA’s studies.

“We yield to the experts whenever we need to, which I think is smart,” Dixon said. “It’s working smarter, not harder.”

A good example of the role USANA’s scientists play in external research is a recent study about bioflavonoids. The R&D team found a paper that suggested bioflavonoids could blunt a spike in blood glucose. They asked a postdoctoral researcher at LPI if the findings had any validity. She looked into it and said the bioflavonoids in USANA’s line theoretically should have the same effects found in the paper.

Knowing LPI had more expertise in the area, USANA had them take the lead on the study. The project found itself in a time crunch, so Dixon and another USANA scientist went to LPI to work side by side at the lab bench with the postdoctoral researcher. Their findings were recently submitted for publication.

Although USANA will defer to the experts they partner with, the company’s R&D team contributes its own expertise to external research. “USANA brings speed, efficiency, and passion to any project we’re involved in,” Dixon said. The in-house team also has an experienced, hard-working, well-qualified human clinical research and analytics team, and top-notch facilities available on-site.

“We’re working with a group of physicists and chemists at the University of Utah,” Dixon said. “They don’t have much human clinical experience, so they can develop technologies, and we can test them in human beings. We’re combining efforts for the greater good.”

The Basics of Applied Science

Expertise isn’t the only consideration when deciding if a study should be handled in-house. USANA prefers to do applied research—applying basic research done by institutions to humans, and using it to develop or improve products.

“We’ll do basic research when we think it could pretty quickly dovetail into applied,” Dixon said. “But we like working as closely with the human, with our customers, as possible.”

Basic research isn’t always so basic. It explores the mechanisms of a phenomenon, and establishes the scientific understanding needed to apply groundbreaking research to the human condition. So USANA’s research partners are out looking for next greatest thing in nutritional science, and in-house experts leverage that basic research and apply those cutting-edge techniques and technologies directly to human health.

Translational research is the term Dixon uses. And there’s plenty of it going on in-house at USANA. There are currently five human clinical studies in different stages that Dixon said should be finished this year—an impressive number, to be sure.

The first study is an effort to find a medical device that can quickly show USANA’s products are yielding real health benefits. From research they’ve done, the R&D team knows antioxidant status is increased after taking the USANA® Essentials™, but that increased status doesn’t feel or look like anything. The study, which is in the process of data analysis, looked at five different medical devices to assess their ability to measure biomarkers that can show the health benefit of taking USANA products.

Another study examines whether the phytosome technology used to raise the bioavailability of the turmeric extract in USANA’s upgraded Procosa® can be used with other core ingredients. Phytosome technology uses healthy fats to encase nutrients to protect them through digestion and deliver them more effectively to the cells. They are currently investigating if this can help different nutrients and antioxidants get into the blood and the cell, increasing their effectiveness.*

USANA was one of the first supplement companies to put advanced doses of vitamin D in its core products. “We didn’t stop there,” Dixon said. “USANA being USANA, we wanted to actually prove that our customers were experiencing a real benefit. So what we did is conduct a study.”

Actually, two studies. Both are about vitamin D status in USANA product users, and are currently being written up. The R&D team, with the help of Associates, found 500 people, half who used USANA products containing vitamin D, and half who didn’t. One study measured the vitamin D status of participants at the end of winter, when levels should be at their lowest. The other measured levels at the end of summer, when participants should have the most vitamin D.

The winter study found that those taking USANA products, on average, had a 47-percent higher vitamin D level than those who were not taking USANA products. The summer study yielded almost the exact same results, which is odd because a person’s body can typically make tens of thousands of International Units (IU) of vitamin D in about 20 minutes of moderate sun exposure. But contribution from the sun only equated to study participants taking a supplement with 300 IUs, which results in a negligible amount of vitamin D in the blood.

Dixon and the team attributed the results to a modern lifestyle that doesn’t allow for enough sun exposure during peak times between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This is especially true for people who live above 37 degrees north latitude or below 37 degrees south latitude—where the tilt of the earth causes much of the essential UVB radiation from the sun to be filtered out by the planet’s atmosphere.

The data suggests people shouldn’t just be worried about vitamin D status in the winter, Dixon said. To achieve optimal levels, they should be supplementing with vitamin D all year.

The final in-house study is shrouded in some mystery. It involves a possible discovery that could impact USANA’s products and their effectiveness. All Dixon would say was that it’s a technology that could keep antioxidant levels in the blood higher for a longer period of time, providing more protection against oxidative stress. After further study, USANA is hoping to file patents.

Publications and Products

The conclusion of a study doesn’t mean the end of the work. Researchers write papers for presentation at scientific conferences or to submit for publication in scientific journals—just like their peers at major research institutions. The peer-review process the research goes through means studies are evaluated by experts, who check the papers’ scientific validity.

“We’re still held to the same standards of scientific excellence that any university or research institution is,” Dixon said.

Including papers that come out of research collaborations, Dixon said USANA scientists have about 10 papers published a year. Publications are a good metric for evaluating researchers, and almost one a month is an output even larger labs would love to have.

Getting journal articles published raise the credibility of USANA’s research, but the ultimate goal for any study is to make better, more effective products. It’s long, less-than-magical work taking science and turning it into something to keep the USANA family—and the world—as healthy as possible. But it’s totally worth it.

“Simply put, Associates get the best science-based health products in the world,” Dixon said.

Go back and read all the Scientific Method articles, and learn about all the research going on at USANA and its partner institutions.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. (“USANA”) of 3838 West Parkway Boulevard, Salt Lake City, Utah 84120 USA is the promoter of this trading scheme in the United Kingdom. The goods which are sold under this scheme are nutritional supplements, body care and related products produced or supplied by USANA and any other suh goods or services as USANA may market from time to time.It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join the scheme.
Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.

Protect Yourself with Proper Skin Care

It’s cold outside. Which is good for winter activities, but bad for your skin. The constant temperature changes and blowing heat can quickly dry out your skin, leaving it dull and irritated.
As the weather cools down you need to refocus on your skin, which is why the American Academy of Dermatology has designated November as National Healthy Skin Month.
It may seem surface level, but skin care is more comprehensive than it appears. Your skin is your window to the outside world. As such, it is the first defense against germs and harsh elements.
Although your skin is tough, it has a lot to combat. Sun damage, pollution, bad diet, and stress cause your skin to age prematurely. And one in every three cancers diagnosed is a skin cancer, making it the most common form of cancer in the world.
Fortunately there are several things you can due to reduce the risks. By following these tips from leading dermatologist Regina Hamlin, M.D., you can help counteract environmental factors and keep your skin looking young and fresh:

  • Protect your skin—The sun can cause damage and premature aging, so cover up and avoid prolonged sun exposure. Also stay away from tanning beds, which can lead to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
  • Watch what you eat—A balanced diet, high in antioxidants, will help fight visible signs of aging.
  • Adequate Nutrition—Consuming the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids help your body and complexion maintain a healthy, youthful appearance.
  • Drink plenty of water—Your skin needs water to maintain a healthy glow. Just like a raisin, your skin shows it when you don’t get enough.
  • Proper skin care—Moisturize and cleanse your skin with paraben-free products that are free from added chemical preservatives.
  • Get a check-up—Be sure to get a skin cancer related check-up annually, and perform frequent self-exams to check for changing moles or lesions.
Taking care of your skin is a lifelong endeavor, but the results are worth it. By comforting your skin, you can be comfortable in your skin no matter the season!
There are a few options how to get the products delivered tailored to suit your budget and needs. To discuss the best and most cost-effective option for you, please contact me via
07747 035 208
Thanks so much.

The Opportunity in Adversity

By Mike Pniewski

Published on
Many of us recently saw when Brett Favre, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, played one of the greatest games of his career the Monday night after his father passed away. On the heels of one of the greatest tragedies anyone could face, he responded by playing an incredible game and leading his team to victory.

How does someone do that? For most of us, adversity is something that trips us up and sends us backward instead of pushing us forward to find the best in ourselves. Most people are fully over taken by the obstacle and do not see the opportunity that comes with adversity. Yes, I said opportunity.

Brett Favre could have very understandably sat out that Monday night game. No one would have blamed him after suffering such a terrible loss. Losing his father, who was also his high school football coach, would certainly drain the competitive fire needed to play an NFL game. But not in this case. Brett chose to deal with the tragedy not by sitting out, but by playing the game. By putting himself in the action, in the familiar setting of the sport that he and his father loved so much. By using the emotion of the moment in a positive way, we all got to witness man’s ability to triumph in the midst of a profound loss.

It’s not always easy to see, but each time we are faced with difficulty or challenge we have two choices. One is to succumb to the pain and frustration and let it emotionally drain us. Remove ourselves from our lives and be overcome with grief. We can even allow ourselves to be completely victimized by the circumstances and drop into a deep hole of depression that can sometimes take a Herculean effort to get out of.

Or we can rise to the moment and face it head on. We can choose to respond in a way that takes us forward and makes us better. Brett Favre chose to play for his father and for his teammates who relied on his commitment to them. And most importantly, his choice to play defined this moment in his life. The loss of his father, while painful to him and his family, is not the primary thing we will remember about this moment in time. We will forever remember his triumph over tragedy and the heroic effort he displayed on the football field.

Make no mistake, loss is painful. But we humans are not defined by what happens to us—we are defined by how we react to what happens to us. Once again, the actions we take are what create those defining moments in our lives.

Lance Armstrong was faced with a similar choice when he was diagnosed with cancer. By all accounts, he should have been dead. His cancer was so advanced that the doctors felt there was no chance. But he said, “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” He faced his disease head on and won; and has since won the Tour de France 5 consecutive times.

It is very hard to see the opportunity in the middle of adversity. The emotion and chaos that occurs can be blinding. But in striving to be the best we can be, we must commit to being our best in the most challenging situations. We must create a mindset that will not allow us to be victimized by what happens around us. We must be committed to keeping the control over how we will react to negative circumstances.

Those of us, who rise to these challenges, set an empowering example. They demonstrate that we are not the victims of our lives but rather the rulers, who have the ultimate power over our own destiny. All of us have the ability to take adversity and use it to our advantage, to better ourselves and the world around us. To create a legacy of courage and commitment that will last beyond our years.

It’s our choice—do we play the game to win or do we sit it out?

Author’s Bio:

Mike Pniewski is a successful actor who has appeared in projects like Out of Time, Runaway Jury, Remember the Titans, Law & Order, CSI:Miami and the Oscar winning short film Two Soldiers. Plus, hundreds of TV and radio commercials.

You can get a copy of Mike’s new book, When Life Gives You Lemons, Throw ’em Back! at

You can reach Mike through his website, or email him at

An Evening of Opportunity

Have you noticed the sun is beginning to come out? As spring is beginning and new life is appearing, do you find yourself looking for new opportunities?  

You might want to work on your looks – inside and outside. You might want to discover new ways to keep yourself healthy.

You might even be looking for ways to reinvent your whole self and include reviewing your professional life.

How about a whole new career? Or a part-time career?

All Your Life would like to invite you to an evening of opportunity – a chance for you to explore different approaches to your health, wellness and to your life. Come along for a chance to catch up with some old friends, make some new friends and find out about all the different things we can do to improve our quality of life. You may be looking to enhance your current business or wanting to return to the workplace.

All Your Life are giving you the chance to sample some of their finest and most enjoyable therapies for just £10! For one night only! Fish Pedicures, Manicures, Pedicures, Mini Facials, Eyebrow Threading, Makeup by Julian, Massage, Reiki and Reflexology. Booking of these treatments are essential and early booking is advised.

Our Guest – Sandra Kanfer Clarke, a wealth creation expert will spend 30 minutes showing you some different routes how to take your dreams and adjust your lives to make them a reality. She will look at the benefits and drawbacks of those methods and show you how she has chosen to collaborate with a company called USANA Health Sciences to make her dreams reality.

Sandra Kanfer Clarke has almost 20 years experience in the branding and marketing field. She started off learning from the largest and the best by working with big agencies and corporate’s, took that knowledge and applied it to the smallest and finest in their fields, showing small businesses and one-man-bands how they can gain more customers and retain those they have got.
She has always been extensively involved in researching market trends and directions and as a result, switched to showing people ways to wealth creation. She has a huge passion for health & sustainability and her vision is to “change the world to one where people ‘can do’ – a world where people take action to turn their dreams into reality, take charge of their own lives and feel in control and in charge of their destiny”.

This is a Ladies evening, a social gathering, a meeting of minds.

You are invited, so secure your treatment slot now:

Call 01242 222118


Don’t forget that treatments are just £10 on this night so book fast.

Feel free to come along on the night with some friends to simply discover our wonderful environment and enjoy a few drinks and an inspiring talk.

When:  Monday, 28 March 2011      18.00 – 21.00

Where:  All Your Life, Number One St. Margaret’s Terrace, Cheltenham

Please share this with anybody who might be interested and in the area.

Please help Japan via CHF

I am forwarding and sharing a message sent to Patti Roney from USANA and hope that as many of you as possible will contribute:

Hello Patti,

Like most people, I am stunned and concerned by the recent huge earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan.  Having friends in Sendai (as you and others may!) I am anxious and worried for those whom I cannot contact, but mostly eager to “do something” to help!  I am writing to you because of your ability to reach hundreds (thousands?) of people via email.

I have just been in contct with CHF about this.  Japan is not one of their usual countries to assist, but they ARE taking this on!!! They are working through various partners to contribute to disaster relief efforts and just changed their web site to include “Japan relief” as one of the choices for donation, under “disaster relief.”  With your huge network, can you PLEASE send out notification that CHF has just begun accepting donations earmarked for Japan, and could you please urge participants in Project Purpose, and other people in your huge email base to speed up their already planned CHF donations?

Thank you so much, Patti.   I know I can count on you!

Sincerely, Jo Vos
Usana Associate
Premium Platinum Pacesetter

Do what you can to combat the radioactive fallout

This information was provided by a USANA associate in the US.  Please distribute this widely:

Below is a piece of information concerning prevention of radioactive fallout which is possible from Japan at this time.  The below article is from the Colgan Institute.  It was sent to me and requested that it go out immediately.

I have contacted Dr. Ladd McNamara to get his feedback also, and he personally is doubling his Chelated Minerals and always takes 5 mg of Iodiral which he has recommended in his books for years.  (Thank you, Dr. Ladd, for giving me an answer on a Saturday night.) He also believes it is a consideration for everyone and not just those on the West Coast of North America.  Iodiral can be ordered anywhere online and may be available in your health food store.  Our Essentials may well be enough, especially with doubling the Minerals, but it might be wise to error on the side of caution with the extra Iodiral.  Each person must make a personal decision.

Our USANA Essentials have everything else below except iron as we don’t have iron in our products.


Thank you, Louise Houghton of Australia, for sending this through.  You are right, Louise!  Thankfully we are all on USANA!!!

Preventing Absorption of Radioactive Iodine
The building housing the nuclear power plant Fukishima 1 exploded yesterday, 11 March 2011, allowing a cloud of radioactive iodine into the atmosphere.  As the British nuclear authorities reported this morning, the core fuel must therefore have been partly uncovered, in order to create enough hydrogen for the explosion. Japanese officials report today, as wer write, that Fukishima 2 is overheating also, and only has a few hours power left in its batteries to power its cooling system.
Get Your Protective Iodine from Food
Twenty grams of kelp contains a sufficient daily dose of iodine to protect you from the Japanese radiation.  It also contains the main nutrients essential for interactions with iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron, that allow iodine to function properly in thyroid metabolism.  Because the half life of the escaped radiation is about 60 days, you need to take the kelp from today each day for 60-90 days.
You need to take it from today because you have to load your thyroid to prevent the radioactive material from getting into it before the radiation fallout arrives in clouds and rain.  This is especially important if youlive on the western coast of North America. Once the radiation gets in, it is too late.
Depending on the speed of the Jetstream, which flows directly from Japan to the West Coast of North America, radiation detection stations here should start to see a spike in their readings about tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning, 14 March 2011.  So there is no time to spare. Approximately one in every 12 Canadians and one in 10 Americans are iodine deficient.
Numerous seaweed in addition to kelp are also loaded with iodine, and its main interactive nutrients.  You can add 20 grams of several different whole seaweeds to your daily diet.  The main kelps sold as food are, Fucus, Sargassum, and  Hiziki.  The main red seaweeds are Dulse, Nori, and Irish moss.  You can eat seaweeds in soups, or salads; or crumbled and sprinkled onto any food as a condiment. For a potent intake of iodine do not cook the seaweed.  Best is untreated, dried, raw seaweed, in pieces, not reconstructed flakes or granules.

Getting Iodine from Supplements
A good daily supplement to protect the thyroid from irradiated iodine is:
Potassium iodide   300 mcg providing 250 mcg iodine
Vitamin A (Retinol)  5,000 IU
Ferrous gluconate  100 mg providing 12 mg elemental iron
Selenomethionine  200 mcg
Zinc gluconate  50 mg providing 5 mg elemental zinc
One dose per day for 90 days with food. Take a good look at your daily supplement as much of this may already be in your formula.