Happy New Year – get started right!

I’d like to welcome you to 2011. I am incredibly excited and looking forward to this year and all it has to offer.
So, to start with, I’d thought I’d share my approach to my life and especially to my business practices and the things I focus on:

My philosophy:
Immerse yourself – Be prepared to learn as much as possible within the first week of activating this system to build your belief.
Trust – take all necessary action to build your trust that this business delivers everything you thought it would, that’s why you signed up.
Confidence – take daily action to build your confidence.
Be confident in USANA
Be confident in MLM
Be confident in the compensation plan
Be confident in yourself
Plan – follow the USANA training module, take half a day to do the e-Apprentice and draw up your 100 names list and continuously update it.
Communicate – make yourself call every single one of those 100 people in the first 4 weeks (ideally, in the first 2 weeks)
Ask for help – involve your sponsor/ mentor completely at every point of this process. Make calls together, meet people together, get them to deliver presentations, do the presentations with them watching, sign up people together and train the new people together.
Give before you receive – first you have to be prepared to give – time, money, products or effort.
When you are ready to fully immerse yourself and give something, you will see the results.
Be there for your new associates and customers – it is your responsibility to look after everybody you recruit into the business. You have the power to build their trust and belief and therefore commitment to the business, so do everything you can to help them. The more you give them, the quicker you will have a loyal downline that will work with you as a team.
Train – train yourself again every day. Be prepared to throw yourself into this business even when you don’t think you know enough, but keep learning every step of the way.
Train others – while we recruit people and sell products, the long-term success of our business stands and falls with our ability to inspire others, to train them and to coach them through the tough times.
Recruit with care – make sure you think carefully about who you put in the same downline. Ensure you create an even spread of skills, personality traits and types.
Keep focusing on the big picture – remember why you joined. Remind yourself all the time of the kind of organisation you wanted to grow and ensure that you are on track.
Take action – ensure you discipline yourself to take action every single day
Focus – Ensure you remain focused on your big goal and on the steps to take ach day. At the same time, release all expectations to approach every person and action with a truly open mind.

Motivation – what excites me:
Achieve abundance and balance in my life (health, wealth and happiness)
See the world
Live in different places in the world
Observe people and developing their abilities
Lead the team by serving the team members
Help people by encouraging them to open up to possibilities, showing the route to independence and demonstrating the power in it
Combine training others, teaching them, coaching them to take ownership of their own lives
Share and provide people with knowledge about health and wealth
Raise awareness of the power of prevention
Promote professional, ethical and environmental behaviour in business

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